Henry James Kiness, 38th Wisconsin Infantry
This schematic drawing was done by Henry James Kiness, a Native American soldier of the Brothertown Indian Nation, enlisted in the 38th Wisconsin. The 38th Wisconsin were frequently stationed around Battery XVI and this seems to be a pretty good depiction of the covered ways leading up to the advanced Federal line called the "Horseshoe" in front of Confederate Elliot's salient as it looked before before the mine explosion. Kiness observes and notes many battlefield features that would be vivid to a soldier on the field, from the steeples of Petersburg on the horizon, sharpshooters on the slope behind the main Confederate line, to the Confederate covered way used to bring men and materiel to the front. It's a really interesting take- maybe not as accurate as the drawings done by the newspaper artists-but focused on details that would loom large to a person facing the enemy's muskets and cannon.