Joseph Becker (1841-1910), Special Artist for Leslie's Illustrated at Petersburg
Born in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, in 1841, by age eighteen Joseph Becker had found work as a "printer's devil" for Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper in New York City. Although he lacked academic training, Becker learned from other artists on the staff and displayed a talent for sketching from life. When Lee's army invaded Pennsylvania In 1863, Leslie dispatched Becker to the Army of the Potomac with instructions to draw what he saw and send drawings back to the newspaper. Becker's first sketches from the front following the battle of Gettysburg were fairly rudimentary, but he gained in skill and confidence during the 1864 Overland Campaign. His sketches from Petersburg were highly accomplished. Nearly 90 of his drawings of battle scenes and everyday soldier life, many unattributed, were published in newspaper during the war.
After the war, Becker managed the art department at Leslie's for twenty-five years. He died in 1910 and is buried in Brooklyn. His collection of original wartime drawings, including his work and that of many other artists, formed the basis for the Becker Collection of 650 Civil War drawings held at Boston College. Most of these drawings are not available for download, but please visit the Boston College site.
After the war, Becker managed the art department at Leslie's for twenty-five years. He died in 1910 and is buried in Brooklyn. His collection of original wartime drawings, including his work and that of many other artists, formed the basis for the Becker Collection of 650 Civil War drawings held at Boston College. Most of these drawings are not available for download, but please visit the Boston College site.

"Sketches near the Weldon Railroad // A Fatigue or working party belonging to the 5th Corps on their way to the works in Front Aug 30th // [Signed] Joseph Becker // Pine woods." The Becker Collection (Becker) CW-JB-VA-8/30/64. Privates shouldered tools; noncoms evidently retained their rifle-muskets.