Confederate Dimmock Battery 5 Captured and Reconfigured as Union Battery IV
LC613000. Dimmock Line. Original configuration of Confederate Battery 5, captured by Union forces on June 15, 1864. Plan drawn by Engineer Department, Army of the Potomac. The guns faced north and east. The Federals enclosed the rear of the battery and aimed their guns toward Petersburg and targets north of the Appomattox River.
Dimmock Battery No. 5 today, looking north, original Confederate configuration on the right, later Federal improvements on the left. Photo by D. Lowe, June 2021.
LC32401. [Cowan's independent battery, 1st N.Y., inside one of the rebel forts in front of Petersburg, 24th June 1864]," photographic print of image by Timothy O'Sullivan, showing Federal field guns in position in captured Confederate Battery 5. O'Sullivan and Brady were on site at the same time. O'Sullivan was working for Gardner at the time.
Execution of Johnson at Jordan's Farm
June 19-20 [1864]. …On the 20th, a scaffold was erected by the Battalion, in plain view of the enemy, and a negro hanged on it, after due trial. Private Perkins, of Company B, pulled the fall.
--Gilbert Thompson, “The Engineer Battalion in the Civil War: A Contribution to the History of the United States Engineers”. Number 44, Occasional Papers, Engineer School, U.S. Army. Press of the Engineer School 1910:71.
--Gilbert Thompson, “The Engineer Battalion in the Civil War: A Contribution to the History of the United States Engineers”. Number 44, Occasional Papers, Engineer School, U.S. Army. Press of the Engineer School 1910:71.
"William Johnson's execution at Jordan's Farm., June 20, 1864." Albumen print in a private collection, sold on Cowan in 2015.This is an important piece in locating the site of the scaffold. US Battery 4/ CS Battery 5 is at the right edge of the image, lost in the haze. The tree next to the gallows is visible in photos taken inside the fort.