Is this Fort Rice? Is this a Confederate fortification? We don't think so. Fort Hell (Sedgwick)
LC 32411. Although captioned "Fort Rice," this image was taken inside Fort Sedgwick. Points of comparison are presented on this page. This image shows a traverse built up of gabions and sandbags, and a piled earth over logs bombproof.
LC 02577-02578 "Soldiers' quarters in the Union Fort Rice adjoining Fort Sedgwick (Fort Hell)." The camera position was shifted a few yards closer from the previous view in this stereoscopic view.
LC 02578 detail. Closer view of gabion and sandbag traverse and earth piled over logs bombproof.
LC 02595-02596 "Petersburg, Va. Federal soldiers removing artillery from Confederate fortifications." This stereoscopic image was taken in front of the "piled earth over logs" bombproof in the above photo. The cannon and limber are posed in front of the rightmost cabin in the above photo.
LC 32423. "Interior of Fort Sedgewick (i.e. Sedgwick)." Unattributed large format photograph. Two of the large bombproofs to the rear of the fort are those pictured in the "Fort Rice" photos.
LC 32423 detail. Closer view of bombproof inside Fort Sedgewick, misidentified as "Confederate" or Fort Rice. Note the photographers' wagon on the left. Note the cluster of roofless cabins in front of the "piled earth over logs" bombproof.
LC 02840-02841 "Petersburg, Virginia. Interior view of Fort Sedgwick," unattributed stereoscope. This image was taken at the same time as 32423 above. The photographer's wagon has not moved.
LC 02840 detail. Gabion and sandbag traverse that appears in the images of "Fort Rice." Numerous points of correspondence.