Federal Reconnaissance, Base Map dated September 13, 1864, with later annotations
Work on this map began after the Federal offensives leading to the capture of the Weldon Railroad, August 18. The base map shows Federal lines extending from the Petersburg & Norfolk Railroad to Fort Wadsworth and Globe Tavern. Confederate lines are shown in red (and pencil), Federal lines in blue. This appears to be an attempt to fill in some of the terrain features between the lines from Jerusalem Plank Road west. Some Union troop positions are tentatively sketched in, which may be more clearly seen in the detail following.
An excellent map from the Head Quarters Army of the Potomac Engineer Department, showing Federal and Confederate Lines before and after the battles for the Weldon Railroad. Legend reads: "Triangulations and Surveys of the Environs of Petersburg and the Entrenched Lines were commened on the 9th of July and completed on the 25th of September." It shows how the Federal lines were consolidated after the Grand Medicine Pow-wow. this map was likely put together sometime in October 1864. From the collections of the New York Public. The map is misdated in pencil as "1863." Library. https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/c684f630-6bdd-0135-6b29-6de9ec527a31
Page updated 01/11/2025